3 Common Municipal Wastewater Treatment Problems Solved
As a wastewater treatment plant manager, you know that shutdowns can occur unexpectedly, significantly interrupting the safe return of clean water to its source. Anticipating a public works impact and guarding against events that increase service interruption requires reliance on the latest technologies.
JWC Environmental offers advanced waste grinders and screening systems to help you solve these three common municipal wastewater problems.
1. Excessive Energy Use
The U.S. Department of Energy ranks wastewater operations as the largest energy expense that communities experience. For example, estimates for consumption by municipal plants reach approximately $2 billion in electricity annually, based on an estimated 30 terawatt-hours of electricity per year.
Additionally, the amount required to fund a plant’s energy use can represent up to 40% of its annual operating budget. Energy demands are likely to increase over time, considering the growth in population and the increasing requirements for water quality.
Outdated equipment can cause a significant increase in energy use, making a municipality’s energy bill even more expensive than it should be. It’s critical for wastewater treatment plant managers to research the most energy-efficient equipment available on the market and find other alternatives, including fine screens, which can reduce energy consumption.
2. New Contaminants
Wastewater plants must find ways to prevent emerging contaminants from affecting public health. Antibiotics and steroid hormones, cosmetics and lotions, household cleaners, lawn care supplies, and agricultural products contribute to toxicity in wastewater. Tests from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) show measurable amounts of contaminants in various locations:
- In water and aquatic insects
- In the fish that eat these insects
- In the predatory wildlife that consumes both
The Centers for Disease Control also cites Per- and Polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) as contaminants that can move through soils without breaking down, potentially affecting drinking water—the compound coats adhesives, clothing, electric wire insulation, food packaging, and heat-resistant cooking surfaces.
3. Sludge Buildup
Holding tank recirculation, dewatering equipment, displacement pumps, conditioning tanks, mixing pumps, and other equipment can degrade in constant use. As a result of excessive wear, the equipment can experience sludge buildup, resulting in plant shutdowns, financial losses, and potential exposure to regulatory penalties.
Sludge buildup in wastewater that enters aquatic systems also affects the environment and the quality of water that supports marine creatures. The EPA has identified 70,000 impaired bodies of water in the United States, and the impact poses a concern for publicly-owned water treatment systems managers.
As the population and development continue to grow, the increase in sludge production presents concerns for human health.
How JWC Environmental Can Help You Solve These 3 Common Problems
JWC Environmental is a leading manufacturer of wastewater treatment and processing equipment. As industry leaders, we recognize and understand the challenges you face and strive to help you overcome them with our uniquely designed products.
Our solutions for tackling heavy energy usage, emerging contaminants, and sludge buildup are the Channel Monster® and In-Line Muffin Monster® grinders.
The Channel Monster is a best-in-class, low-speed, high-flow sewage grinder for pump stations and pump equipment. It features a perforated screening drum, which helps capture and shred rags and disposable wipes and prevent clogs due to weaving. This grinder is also capable of shredding rocks, wood, and trash. Plus, it is available with patented Wipes Ready® cutter technology to shred disposable wipes into small pieces and prevent downstream reweaving that could lead to clogged pumps.
The 10K, 30K, and 40K ranges of in-line Muffin Monster® grinders feature a dual-shafted design and low-speed, high-torque performance making them ideally suited as sludge grinders that can be incorporated into small, medium, and large biosolids systems. They perform exceptionally, breaking down a wide array of tough solids that can cause damaging clogs.
Learn More About Our Products
Find your solution with JWC Environmental. Contact us today to learn more about our patented technology or to request a product quote.