SHRED – HPC Reduces Waste Costs with the Shred Monster Grinder – Honolulu, HI
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| By Rhonda Williams | 0 Comments
See how Monster Industrial Shredders shred cannabis plant waste easily and effectively to meet marijuana waste disposal regulations. Visit our Marijuana Plant Waste page to learn more about the process!
| By Rhonda Williams | 0 Comments
The statistics surrounding food waste in the United States can only be described as staggering. More than 30 percent of the food produced for human consumption in the United States, valued at $162 billion annually, isn’t eaten. Even institutions like the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank , with the goal of distributing food to those in need, must tackle this challenge of wasted food. The food bank is now using a composting system from FOR Solutions which utilizes a JWC 3-SHRED Grinder as their food composting machine to facilitate the break down of the 2,000 pounds of tough solids food waste processed daily. The result is a reliable system to recycle the waste into nutrient-rich compost used on local San Diego farms. The food bank’s improved environmental footprint and substantial savings on hauling and tipping fees are among several additional benefits.
Read the case study here.
The food composting machine is popping up more and more in various shapes and forms with this growing hot topic but JWC has been actively participating since 1973. When quality matter & expertise is required, JWC is there to step in as your food composting machine expert.
| By Rhonda Williams | 0 Comments
Managing a commercial food service program is no easy feat, particularly when it comes to food waste disposal. The amount of both organic and inorganic waste to sort and divert can be daunting and meticulous, and some commercial kitchens and restaurants simply don’t bother. According to a survey done by Sustainable Food Service Consulting, 50-75% of the material that ends up in a landfill is either compostable or recyclable. By properly sorting and disposing of that waste, food service managers can cut down on operational costs and reduce disposal fees.
Guido Boers, the manager of the food service program at the Freddie Mac headquarters in McLean, Virginia, was encountering this very problem last year. “Guests to the cafeteria were dropping off their soiled food containers at the tray return conveyor,” says Boers. “The to-go containers, which are made from a compostable material, were in most cases still containing some organic food waste. We couldn’t dispose of the bulky containers through the trash since, at that volume, the amount of waste was overwhelming and costly.”
Boers and his team conducted a waste audit and looked at how the cafeteria’s practices were affecting the amount of garbage being produced on-site. They decided that a solution was needed to reduce the volume of their compostable to-go containers. Since compostable material can’t be collected in a densely compacted form — the waste requires access to enough oxygen to keep the essential composting bacteria alive — they needed to find a way to shred these containers into smaller pieces.
After discussing this problem with the food container manufacturer, it became clear that they hadn’t devised a solution on their end to dispose of the used containers. So Boers and his team began conducting industry research on the types of waste grinders and shredders available, which led them to Tom Smith at JWC Environmental…
Read the full article here.
| By Rhonda Williams | 0 Comments
Regardless of the CBD oil extraction method the first critical step will be the sourcing and preparation of the hemp from which the CBD oils will be extracted.
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