Protecty Ejector pump sewage systems with grinders for waste water pump clogs

Fix Clogging Ejector Pump Problems Permanently with JWC Grinders

| | Industrial Processing News

Ultimate Ejector Pump Protection! Facility Waste Water Pump Clogs & Pipe Back-ups Can Be Stopped!

Managing facilities can present daily challenges. The last thing a facility manager wants to deal with is a problem with the on-site sewage systems. Protect your facility from toilet backups, expensive ejector pump repairs and even worse raw sewage spills by installing a JWC sewage grinder. The JWC dual shafted low speed high torque Monster grinder can shred adult diapers, rags, wipes and anything else into small particles ensuring they flow harmlessly through pumps!  Stop repairing your waste water pump and install a permanent solution to your problems – a JWC sewage grinder – the ultimate in waste water pump protection!

Is Facility Under Siege for one of these issues?

  • Emergency Plumbing Repairs – usually nights and weekends?
  • Costly clean-ups of spills due to ejector pump failures?
  • Notices of Violation (NOV) from municipal water authority for clogging their down stream pumps?  (You don’t want this letter)
  • Foul Sewage Odors drawing complaints from guest and residents?

industrial sewage grinders, inline and open channel, waste water pump protectionDepending on what is being flushed down the toilet, most pumps will tend to clog!  The JWC sewage grinder protects downstream pumps continuously, so no matter what is flushed, you don’t have to worry.  Your JWC Monster grinder will easily chew it up into small pieces so the opportunity for your ejector pump or waste water pump to clog is eliminated.

The problems do not stop at the facility’s on-site pump station and sewage systems.  Often locations that are known for discharging sewage with heavy solids, like hospitals, nursing homes and jails will cause clogs in the municipal sewage systems.  The municipal waste treatment authority will often demand the facility take some action to resolve the problem and even issue a Notice of Violation.

To learn more about the benefits of JWC Monster grinders for your Facilities, click here for the new Facilities Management Brochure! or contact us directly for a one on one consultation!

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